Grace Whorrall-Campbell

'"Childish, adolescent and recherché": psychoanalysis and maturity in psychological selection boards, c.1940s-60s’. Chapter in Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z, eds. Laura Tisdall and Maria Cannon, University of London Press. Forthcoming.
‘Industrial Neurosis and Industrial Democracy: understanding occupational mental health at Roffey Park Rehabilitation Centre, 1943-83’. Article in History of Human Sciences special issue 'Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Remission in Mental Health: Historical Perspectives'
'The Ancient History of the WAG'. History Workshop Online, 2023.
‘Emotions and Sexuality at Work: Lyons Corner Houses, c.1920-1950'. Chapter in Feelings and Work in Modern History: Emotional Labour and Emotions about Labour, eds. Agnes Arnold-Forster and Alison Moulds, Bloomsbury, 2022.
'Nipping Back'. History Workshop Online, 2021.
‘Breaking down from the “double load”: women workers’ mental health in 1940s England’. Social History Society, 2021.